Everything is a choice

The commonly voiced excuse for not doing something is…….

“I just don’t have enough time!’

Or, closely related to this excuse….

“I’m just not sure how I can find the time to get {something} done.”

Permit me to highlight the lack of true perception relating to these comments.

Not having enough time is a, well, not elaborately constructed excuse.  Usage of time is a choice.

Allow me to say it another way. As human beings, we are free creatures, despite the many ways we are led astray from this truth.  And as free creatures, we have the liberty to choice what we do with our time whilst alive, ambulatory, and reasonably cognizant.  Ergo, we have ample amounts of time at our disposal. What we do with this time, is contingent on our choices.

Pertaining to the second excuse, the discussion is much less involved. Time is not found. It is.  Each second you are alive, is what you have.  You can’t find more.  You aren’t guaranteed anything beyond what exists right now.  You simply can’t find more time.  Time and its acquisition or rather, allocation, is simply a matter of choice.

There is such an incredible focus on time, when the truly important element in our lives, is choice.

Humbly yours,


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