The Coward

The coward runs,

and flees,

in the face of danger.

The coward cowers,

and flails,

in view of defeat.

The coward shrouds,

and veils,

facing opposition.

The coward shirks,

and points,

instead of admission.


He is spineless.

She is weak.

He lies prone,

in abject defeat.

He is callow.

She is meek.

All are helpless,

in their defeat.


The coward begs,

and pleads,

for some release.

The coward weeps,

and moans,

and must be beat.

The coward crumples,

and breaks,

at smallest pressure.

The coward withers,

and dies,

when challenge is rendered.


He is mangled.

She is broken.

He is shamed,

courage unspoken.

He is worthless.

She is lame.

All are cowards,

call them by name.


Stand gallant,

and strong,

and miss no beat.

For you are honest,

and true,

and above deceit.

Lead with care,

and passion,

and reiterate,

There’s no time

for cowards,

or invertebrates.


I stand tall,

You stand stout.

Integrity should be,

what were all about.

I am honest.

You are the truth.

We set examples,

of what people should do.


Don’t succumb to the cowardice in yourself; don’t be dragged down by the fear in others.  Make your own example, let your courage illuminate your way, lest you find yourself frantically fumbling in the darkness, whilst he with the fortitude brandishes the torch.

Humbly yours,



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